Update to NRHA Amateur Division Conditions

Pictured is 2021 NRHA Derby Story Book Stables Amateur Champion Lauren Love.

The National Reining Horse Association Board of Directors recently updated the NRHA Amateur Conditions for those events wishing to host a trial of the proposed division. This move extends the existing trial that was set to end April 1, 2022.

These amended conditions are effective April 2, 2022 and will extend through December 31, 2023. During that time frame, NRHA events may apply to host an Amateur division with an approved non pro derby. Amateur division added money cannot exceed half of the Level 4 added money, and also cannot exceed the Level 1 added money.

“Continuing with the trial will give members, committees and the board of directors more examples to evaluate before officially adding it as an aged event division. This also aligns with the timing of a 2024 rule change proposal that will be voted on in 2023. The advocates for the division feel it encourages participation by giving another option to non pros who may not have consistent access to training programs but are ready to move into aged event competition.

To compete in the Amateur division, the same horse and rider must be cross-entered into the NRHA-approved non pro derby. The show conditions will govern which level or levels must be entered. For the NRHA Derby, for example, this would be the eligible level plus one up.

There is only one level of Amateur, and riders who enter the Amateur division must be Non Pros and abide by the NRHA Non Pro ownership rules.

Youth, legal dependents of professional equine trainers, spouses or legal partners/mates of professional equine trainers, and anyone who has exceeded NRHA lifetime earnings of $100,000 in Categories 2, 6, 8, and 11 in the previous year, or is currently only eligible for L4 Non Pro, or only L4 and L3, are excluded from competing in the Amateur division. NRHA judges and breeders are eligible to enter the Amateur division if they meet the required criteria.

Shows wishing to have an Amateur Division must submit a written request, and a confirmation that the division will be run using the approved Amateur conditions must be included in the event’s approval application.

For more information, contact the NRHA Non Pro Committee Liaison Christa Morris-Stone at cmorris@nrha.com.

NRHA Markel Futurity Sale Graduates Vie for Titles at NRBC

The National Reining Horse Association Markel Futurity Sales are known for top-notch consignments that can compete on reining’s biggest stages.

The National Reining Breeders Classic, one of NRHA’s largest approved events, is currently being held in Katy, Texas, and runs through April 24. There are multiple Sale alums entered in the aged event, which boasts more than $700,000 in added money.

With the Non Pro preliminary round already in the books, many of those graduates are already advancing to the Non Pro Finals on Friday. The Open preliminary round will conclude Thursday evening, and the Open Finals will be held Saturday.

Frank Costantini, Markel Director of Western Disciplines and member of NRHA’s Sales Task Force, noted that the success of the Sale’s graduates at major events is proof of the quality of horses who cross the ring in Oklahoma City.

“From the Sales Task Force point of view, and from my point of view as the Discipline Director of Markel, the Futurity Sales are a phenomenal place where we can come and gather and purchase what we think will be the next great individual. If you have any doubts about that, all you have to do is look at the ones who are doing well here at the NRBC,” Costantini said.

Pictured is 2021 NRBC Level 1 Non Pro Champions Anna Harris and Ready N Willing, who was purchased in the 2016 Select Yearling Sale.

Congratulations to the NRHA Markel Futurity Sale Graduates Advancing to the Non Pro Finals

  • Mariana Vazquez & Rock It Sassy Girl (Wimpys Little Step x Shining N Sassy) – 2018 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Roxanne Koepsell and purchased by Rancho la Sierita
  • Kathleen Armenta & Off N Running (Walla Walla Whiz x Spook Off Sparks) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Arcese Quarter Horses, USA and purchased by Matt Roush
  • Michael Garnett & Sassy Son Ofa Gun (Gunner x Shining N Sassy) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Roxanne Koepsell and purchased by Alex Castaneda
  • Samantha Smith & Smokin 66 (Inferno Sixty Six x Nuthin Chic) – 2019 Futurity Prospect & Select Broodmare Sale, consigned by Garth Brown, Agent, and purchased by Lance Griffin
  • Anna Harris & Ready N Willing (Walla Walla Whiz x Dainty Dunit) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Arcese Quarter Horses, USA and purchased by Yonathan Baruch
  • Sarah Korpela & This Gunners Dreamin (Gunners Special Nite x This Chicsdundreamin) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Rhodes River Ranch and purchased by Tom McCutcheon
  • Jeff Sizelove & Tinseltown N Gunz (Hollywoodstinseltown x Gun Affair) – 2017 Marketplace Sale, consigned by ProFit Equine, Agent, and purchased by John Fletcher
  • Lillian Beshears & Whiz A Golden Spook (Smart Spook x Whizin Off Sparks) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Sterling Ranch and purchased by Peter and Courtney Morgan

NRHA Markel Futurity Sale Graduates Entered in NRBC Open Classic

  • Julia Roshelli & Cee Mi Diablo (Inferno Sixty Six x Brennas Cee) – 2018 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Cinder Lakes Ranch and purchased by Gabe Hutchins
  • Lars Mortenson & Gunna Be Stylish (ARC Gunnabeabigstar x Be Stylish With Me) – 2019 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Mary Scott Brown and purchased by Teddy Gerrald
  • Ben Beckett & KR Ima Trashya (Gunnatrashya x KR Ima Tejon) – 2016 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Kyle Ranch and purchased by Lesley Martin
  • Hava Vital & KR Magpie (Magnum Chic Dream x Smart Shiney Lena) – 2019 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Butch Coggins and purchased by Justin Mathison
  • Marco Ricotta & RL Chic Happens (Smart Chic Olena x Shining Donna) – 2017 Marketplace Sale, consigned by Pro Fit Equine, Agent, and purchased by Jared and Terry Brotherson
  • Lorinaldo Gomes & Rock It With Sass (Wimpys Little Step x Shining N Sassy) – 2017 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Roger Daly, Agent, and purchased by Alpha Quarter Horses
  • Craig Schmersal & Surprizedya (Gunnatrashya x Dun With Surprizes) – 2020 Futurity Prospect Sale, consigned by Riverwind Performance Horses, LLC, and purchased by Laura Bell
  • Matt Palmer & TR Mr Joe (Lil Joe Cash x Ms Whiz Dunit) – 2018 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Tamarack Ranch, LLC, and purchased by TR Mr Joe
  • Robin Schoeller & TR Spooks R Wimps (Wimpys Little Step x Spooks N Sparks) – 2018 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Tamarack Ranch, LLC, and purchased by Massimo Talcone
  • Fernando Salgado & Vinny Gun (A Sparkling Vintage x Dolled Up Gunner) – 2018 Select Yearling Sale, consigned by Larson and purchased by Guillermo De Anda

The NRHA hosts four premier reining sales each year, held during the NRHA Futurity & Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships. These sales offer an outstanding group of two-year-old reining prospects, yearlings, stallions, broodmares, and show horses from leading breeders, owners, and trainers.

All sales are managed by the NRHA office with support and direction from the NRHA Markel Sales Task Force. The quality and integrity of the NRHA Markel Futurity Sales are reflected in the graduates of the previous sales – they have won millions in NRHA earnings since the first two-year-olds sold in 1993.

For more information on the NRHA Markel Futurity Sales, visit NRHA.com/Sales, contact the office at sales@nrha.com or call (405)946-7400, ext. 123.

Our Condolences – Guy Vernon

On April 20, the reining world learned that National Reining Horse Association Professional Guy Vernon had passed.

Vernon, of Kiowa, Colo., has served the reining world in a variety of ways. He was a former NRHA Board member who was active on numerous committees, an NRHA Judge, and filled a wide range of roles. In addition to training and showing reining horses, he was known for his dedication to his non pro clients.

“Guy was kind and smart. He didn’t think exactly like everyone else, which was part of his charm. He was a champion for NRHA’s affiliate program and devoted to his wife, Valerie, and daughter, Lacey,” noted NRHA Commissioner Gary Carpenter. “On behalf of NRHA, I extend our most sincere condolences to Valerie, Lacey, and all of Guy’s friends and family.”

Memorial is set for May 3 with details to follow.

If you live in the Kiowa area and would like to help the family by volunteering for barn chores, please use this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4ea9ac22a3f5c52-guyvernon

We will share more information as it becomes available.

NRHyA CINCH Speaking Contest Returns to 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel

Brush Up on those Speaking Skills

At the 2022 6666 National Reining Horse Association Derby presented by Markel, reining will not be the only competition occurring at the prestigious event. The CINCH National Reining Horse Youth Association Speaking Contest returns this year, cultivating and encouraging leadership and life skills amongst reining’s talented youth.

In the CINCH NRHyA Speaking Contest, participants will be divided into two age groups, 13 & Under and 14-18. Members compete for not only bragging rights, but also impressive $500 scholarships in three different categories: Delivering A: General, Prepared Public Speaking and Community Service Presentation. In the Delivering A: General, contestants recite A: General, which is a guide to judging reining horses and a hallmark of the NRHA Handbook. Prepared Public Speaking involves contestants delivering a five-to-eight-minute speech on either a leadership or equestrian topic. Lastly, the Community Service Presentation allows participants to create an eight-to-10-minute presentation that showcases a community service project they have completed.

The competition will be held on Wednesday, June 22, at 9 a.m. The location for the contest will be announced closer to the event.

“The CINCH NRHyA speaking contest is a wonderful opportunity for our youth kids to pick a topic and speak publicly about it,” said NRHA President Rick Clark. “Many times, it is the first time they have attempted public speaking. This experience educates our youth for the career choices they make in the future!”

2021 NRHyA CINCH Speaking Contest Winners:

Becca Schaffhauser: 13 & Under Delivering A: General

McKylie Ivie: 13 & Under Prepared Public Speaking

Justin Eddy: 14-18 Prepared Public Speaking

Youth members interested in competing in this year’s CINCH NRHyA Speaking Contest can find more information, including the entry form at NRHyA.com. The entry deadline is June 1. Please email entries to youth@nrha.com.