Toyon Ranch Rookie Free for All to Debut at 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel

National Reining Horse Association Corporate Partner Toyon Ranch recently announced plans to expand support of Rookie competitors. At this year’s 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel, rookie competitors will have their judges’ and entry fees paid for by Toyon Ranch. That also includes contestants competing in the ancillary Rookie Professional classes!

This new development is a continuation of Toyon Ranch’s patronage of rookie competitors that began in 2019 with the Toyon Ranch Rookie of the Year, and was increased in 2021 with the Toyon Ranch Rookie Showdown during the NRHA Futurity.

John Tague, who owns Toyon Ranch with his wife, Nancy, explained, “Supporting NRHA classes across the board has been a priority for Nancy and me. This sponsorship is a great way to deepen our commitment to rookie competitors – extending from the Toyon Ranch Rookie of the Year. By making it easier for people to get involved with reining, we can increase the number of reiners we have in the future.

“Recently, many supporters have made significant efforts to target industry growth and enhance experience. Together these efforts make a difference. We want to continue to create growth from the entry level classes to the top level.”

The deadline for entering the ancillary classes at the 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel is June 1, and entry forms can be found at

About Toyon Ranch

Toyon Ranch is located in the heart of horse country in beautiful Pilot Point, Texas. Its focus is on breeding and raising top reining prospects. The ranch is known for an exceptional band of broodmares that has over $4 million in combined earnings and offspring earnings and 30 Big Four champions. The Tagues breed their mares to the industry’s top stallions to create a quality and diverse group of exceptional prospects each year.

In addition to the mare program, Toyon Ranch stands several of the industry’s top stallions: No Smoking Required, Shine Chic Shine, Inferno Sixty Six, Dun It For Whizkey, Gunner Dun It Again, Shine N Spook, Shining In Town, Shiners Voodoo, Gunna Stop and Colonels Smart Spook. For information on Toyon Ranch, visit the website at

Sponsors Worldwide Support the 2022 NRHA European Futurity as NRHA Corporate Partners Toyon Ranch and MS Diamonds TX Go Global

$344,514-Added AMBPT/BO Ranch NRHA European Futurity Presented by Markel Insurance:

La Chapelle-la-Reine, May 3—Originally scheduled to be held in Austria, BO Ranch’s proposal to host the 2022 edition of the NRHA European Futurity was accepted in February this year. The response from sponsors in support of the event held in France—as well as the work done by the BO Ranch team— has been huge and includes the addition of NRHA Corporate Partners Toyon Ranch and MS Diamonds TX who extended their contribution to NRHA owned events outside North America.

NRHA Corporate Partner Markel, Official Insurance Partner of NRHA, Presenting sponsor of the NRHA European Futurity, Derby, and European Affiliate Championships, has invested in NRHA European owned events since 2009. Cardinal Reining Horses, gold sponsor for European events, decided to ‘go global’ in 2014.

Toyon Ranch, owned by John and Nancy Tague, is one of a few major NRHA North American sponsors who have increased their support to include Europe. “We sell horses all over the world, both through auctions, such as the NRHA Markel Futurity Sales, and privately on the ranch. It feels appropriate to extend our brand and support in a tangible way so that our international customers recognize we’re actively supporting the business, not just at our home, but where they live as well,” John shared about Toyon Ranch’s Platinum Sponsorship of the two major European events.

Oded Fein of MS Diamonds TX, Official Diamond Jeweler of NRHA and sponsor of the NRHA Open Futurity Championship Ring, has extended his sponsorship to the Italian Reining Horse Association Open Futurity and Elementa Masters Championship Rings in the past years. “I felt it was important to be part of the NRHA global sponsors as we believe our Futurity Champions worldwide should be awarded a Championship ring reflecting the NRHA ring and we look forward to presenting the inaugural trophy ring at BO Ranch,” said Fein about MS Diamond TX’s Euro Futurity Level 4 Open Presenting Sponsorship.

A special thank you to all the 2022 AMBPT/BO RANCH NRHA European Futurity Sponsors: You make it happen and we look forward to seeing you all at BO Ranch, May 23-29.


For further information:

NRHA European Futurity Media Contact
Simona Diale/International Horse Press

The National Reining Horse Association is not responsible for the information contained in this press release. Please contact the author or submitting organization for further information, requests, or questions.

2022 NRHA European Futurity–Daily Updates

2022 Euro Futurity: May 23–29 · La Chappelle La Reine, France

5.29.22: Fonck Brings Home His Second NRHA European Futurity Open Championship

5.29.22: It’s A Win for Spain as Nogue Puig and Simple The Best 66 Claim the NRHA European Non Pro Futurity Championship

5.28.22: Simple The Best 66 and Nogue Puig Lead the BO Ranch NRHA European Futurity Non Pro Qualifier

5.27.22: Fonck and GP The Stud In Town Top The NRHA European Futurity Level 4 Open Qualifier

5.23.22: BO Ranch Welcomes Reiners From Across Europe Vying for the $344,514-Added NRHA European Futurity Titles

5.4.22: Sponsors Worldwide Support the 2022 NRHA European Futurity as NRHA Corporate Partners Toyon Ranch and MS Diamonds TX Go Global

3.5.22: Sponsors Worldwide Support the 2022 NRHA European Futurity as NRHA Corporate Partners Toyon Ranch and MS Diamonds TX Go Global

3.5.22: $10,000 in Chrome Cash Is Coming Your Way This May

See more at

Magnum Chic Dream is Newest NRHA Eight Million Dollar Sire

Less than a year after becoming a Seven Million Dollar Sire in the National Reining Horse Association, Magnum Chic Dream has passed another milestone. It was at the 2010 National Reining Breeders Classic that the stallion first joined the elite group of NRHA Million Dollar Sires, so it’s fitting that this latest accomplishment was achieved at the same event.

Prior to the NRBC, held April 18 – 24 in Katy, Texas, Magnum Chic Dream, owned by Viola Scott, was less than $35,000 from $8,000,000 in offspring earnings. Throughout the week-long competition, Magnum Chic Dream progeny kept showing up in the results, and by the time the last run had been ran, the great stallion’s foals had won more than $70,000.

Magnum Chic Dream, by Seven Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic Olena out of Sailin Barbee, was the eighth leading sire for the 2022 NRBC Classic and was fourth on the leaderboard for sires in the ancillary classes.

Magnum Chic Dream’s leading foal at the NRBC was Onecoolchic (out of Skeets Red Dunit), who won the Classic Open Level 2 Championship and finished fourth in the Level 3 with Jimmy Van der Hoeven. All totaled, Onecoolchic earned $19,791 between the preliminary round and finals.

Magnum Chic Dream, born in 1996, was bred by Guy A Du Ponchel. The colt was purchased as a two-year-old in training with Patti Brownshadel by Viola Scott, who was looking for a new non pro horse to compete on. The plan had originally been to geld him, but his good nature and willing temperament kept that from ever happening.

As the 20th century came to a close, Patti Brownshadel piloted him to the NRHA Futurity Open Level 2 and Level 3 Reserve Championships. The pair also placed in the Level 4 Finals. The next year the duo was the NRHA Derby Level 3 Co-Reserve Champions.

In 2002, Viola Scott finally took the reins of her stallion, racking up wins in Non Pro classes over the next couple years.

The stallion’s final recorded win was a big one when Casey Hinton showed him at the 2004 American Quarter Horse Association World Championship Show to win the Senior Reining title.

Although Viola and her husband, Jack, had numerous offers on the stallion, she said she never thought twice about keeping him.

Magnum Chic Dream’s first performing foal crop arrived in 2001, and as the stallion’s offspring excelled in the show pen, his popularity grew. He has now sired numerous champions of the NRHA Futurity, Derby, and NRBC.

Magnum Chic Dream’s Top Offspring (not including 2022 NRBC earnings):

  • Chic Dreamin (Skeets Red Dunit) $242,272
  • Taris Dreamer (Taris San Cutter) $194,311
  • Msdreamy (A Gal With A Gun) $191,720
  • Mega Maggie Mae (Cinco De Mega) $185,138
  • Made By Magnum (Ready Make Cowboy) $176,484
  • Chics Dream (First Ex Flame) $170,047
  • Lil Magnum Jessie (Lil Ruf Jessie) $166,274
  • Mr Farenheit (Wimpy Little Girl) $159,845
  • Chicsdundreamin (Goody Goody Dun Drop) $154,964
  • Magnum Starlights (Starlights Sugarwhiz) $144,800

Magnum Chic Dream stands at Cedar Ridge Stallion Station in Whitesboro, Texas. For more information, visit or

Sliding photo courtesy of NRBC.

Event Sponsor Mental Athletics Offers Workshops to NRHyA Members

The National Reining Horse Youth Association is proud to continue the second year of partnership with NRHA Professional Gil Friedman of Mental Athletics. Mental Athletics became an NRHA event sponsor in 2021 to impact the lives of NRHyA members, in and out of the show pen, and continues with big plans in 2022.

“I am excited for the opportunity to sponsor the NRHyA,” Friedman shared. “This is a lifetime journey. I believe that every opportunity that we have to educate and put the attention into the well-being of our youth, the future NRHA professionals and non pros, and leaders of our industry, is the most unique and fulfilling opportunity. This builds the future foundation of NRHA, which will be fruitful due to efforts like these.”

Mental Athletics is a mindset coaching program practiced around the globe, and Friedman will be offering two separate three-part online workshops free of charge exclusively to NRHyA members. The first workshops will be May 8, 15 and 22 at 9 a.m. CT.

The three-session workshops will provide knowledge, techniques and training tools for the personal development of every competitive rider leading up to the 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel.

The scheduled dates for the Mental Athletics Online Workshop are:

  • Sunday, May 8 at 9:00 a.m. CT
  • Sunday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m. CT
  • Sunday, May 22 at 9:00 a.m. CT

There will also be a second workshop will be held in the fall leading up to the NRHA Futurity and Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships.

To sign up for the workshop email
For more information about Mental Athletics, visit the Facebook page at or the website at