2020 NRHA Futurity Update

Dear Reiners:

Despite the incredible challenges created by COVID-19, NRHA has fared reasonably well. This is not to minimize the personal losses of family and friends that many of us feel acutely.

When facing uncertainty of any kind, we must continue to plan, prepare and move forward. The purpose of this communication is to do just that – so we have steps to follow in any contingency.

NRHA will not cancel the Futurity of its own volition. We have not, at this point, been notified that the City of Oklahoma City will prohibit our holding it, either.

We do not expect this, and we are prepared in every way imaginable to hold the Futurity this week. We have made plans for replacement of officials and staff in every role. These steps are manageable. An order from the City would not be. They have given every reasonable assurance that they are planning to go forward, but understandably, they simply cannot give guarantees.

We know that the City required that the Oklahoma Youth Expo, with its approximately 8,000 livestock entries, be shut down mid-event in March of 2020. To be as prepared as possible, we have proactively developed plans for the unlikely event that we would begin the Futurity and not be able to finish.

Below is the update to the conditions which identifies the steps NRHA would take if the Futurity were to be interrupted. Please read carefully to understand the plan for going forward if there were to be an interruption of the futurity.

We look forward to seeing you in just a few days.

NRHA Executive Committee

Remember, Cowboy up, Mask up! Now more than ever we know lives may depend on it!

Update to 2020 NRHA Futurity Terms and Conditions as of November 20, 2020:

The National Reining Horse Association is fully committed to holding the 2020 NRHA Futurity & Adequan© North American Affiliate Championship at Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 26-December 5.

Under no circumstances will NRHA cancel the event unless required by state or local government.

The safety and welfare of our members and equine athletes remain paramount, and every effort and precautionary measure has been taken to ensure the event meets local guidelines and CDC recommendations. However, in the unlikely event that the NRHA Futurity is closed due to orders issued by the City of Oklahoma City and/or the State of Oklahoma; the NRHA is fully prepared with the following contingency plans.

The NRHA Executive Committee has proactively approved the following:

If the NRHA is forced to cancel the Open or Non Pro Futurities prior to the completion of the first go-round:

  • Every effort will be made to reschedule the event within in a timely manner. Entry fees will automatically be put toward the new event and eligibility will remain the same. The first go-round will be started over. Ancillary and NAAC classes will be re-scheduled as well.

If the NRHA is forced to cancel the Open Futurity after the completion of the first go-round but before the completion of the second go-round:

  • The results of the first go-round will be accepted as the final results and recorded and paid out as such.

If the NRHA is forced to cancel the Open Futurity after the completion of the second go-round but prior to the finals:

  • Composite scores from the first two go-rounds will determine the final results. Results will be recorded and paid out as such.

If the NRHA is forced to cancel the Non Pro Futurity after the completion of the preliminary round but prior to the consolation round:

  • The results of the first go-round will be accepted as the final results and recorded and paid out as such.

If the NRHA is forced to cancel the Non Pro Futurity after the completion of the consolation round:

  • The top 25 horses (plus ties) from the L4, L3, L2 and L1  preliminary round and the top 5 horses (plus ties) from the consolation round will be accepted as the final results and recorded and paid out as such.
  • The top 20 Prime Time from the preliminary round and Top 15 Youth from the preliminary round will be accepted as the final results and recorded and paid out as such.

If the NRHA is forced to cancel any ancillary and NAAC classes, but the Futurity classes do not need to be rescheduled:

  • Every effort will be made to reschedule these classes to be added to a future event, with the 2021 NRHA Derby being a likely choice.
  • Entries in any ancillary and/or NAAC classes that are cancelled and are unable to be rescheduled will receive a full refund on their entry fees.

If the NRHA Is forced to cancel the NRHA Sales held at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds on December 3:

  • The event will be rescheduled as a stand-alone event at a nearby private facility
  • The event will be held as a virtual event only

Online Bidders Must Register Early for NRHA Markel Futurity Sale

For Immediate Release – Nov. 20, 2020 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma –The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) is innovating for its highly successful NRHA Markel Futurity Sales by offering online bidding in 2020. The series of Markel Sales have been combined into a one-day super sale, set for December 3 and beginning at 9 a.m. in Arena 6 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds.

Online bidders from around the globe are invited to participate. Bidders are required to be pre-approved by completing the online bidding form no later than December 1 at 11:59 p.m. Online bidding registration is open now and can be completed in advance of this deadline.

Registering can be completed in three easy steps:

  1. Complete this online bidding form and return it to onlinesales@nrha.com.
  2. Go to DVAuction and create an account (you can skip the bank information portion since payment will be handled through NRHA).
  3. Once you’ve created your account, you can go to DVAuction.com to log in to the NRHA Markel Futurity Sales on December 3.

It’s important to note that this pre-approval process only applies to the online bidders. Online buyers also need to have care and shipping arrangements made for their purchases. For questions with registration or the online bidding process, please contact Terry Addis at (405) 370-0901.

Individuals attending the sale in-person need to complete the buyer registration form at nrha.com/sales. Sale attendees are encouraged to complete this online form prior to the event to aid the sales process and assist with following COVID protocols. Forms will be available at the event if needed.

The NRHA Markel Futurity Sales have long been recognized as presenting top-quality equine athletes. Each year, sales records are broken, and the sale alumni often go on to greatness in high stakes reining competition. The digital catalog, including photos and videos, of the consignments is available at nrha.com/sales.

Countdown to a Record NRHA Futurity

For Immediate Release – November 18, 2020 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – Just days from move-in, the  55th National Reining Horse Association Futurity and Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships looks to be a record-breaker – and not just with its historic, first-ever quarter of a million dollar payment to the Open Futurity  Champion!

Stall numbers now exceed 1,660, up from last year’s 1,394. Similarly, entries for the show have risen across the board. Along with increased futurity entries, the Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships and horse show classes promise record days as well, with 50% growth in most classes. Since entries do not close until the day before the class, the numbers are expected to expand even more by show time.

Competition begins with the first section of the Open Preliminaries on Nov. 26, and in recognition of rising numbers, the NRHA is emphasizing the necessity for attendees to comply with COVID-19 mandates and masking requirements.  NRHA Commissioner Gary Carpenter noted, “We expect great compliance from our NRHA members who are so passionate about this sport and our ability to hold this Futurity during this admittedly difficult time. It’s pretty simple, you must wear a mask, wash your hands and maintain social distancing.”

He will soon be joined in urging exhibitors and attendees to “Cowboy Up, Mask Up” by Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt, whose video message will be played on the arena jumbotrons and on the live feed. Carpenter added that the NRHA Board and Executive Committee are united in their support of the mask mandate as they remain excited about going forward with this historic Futurity.

Association President Mike Hancock echoed Carpenter’s sentiments. “We are committed to providing a safe environment for all who attend. We are asking industry leaders and top professionals to show their leadership by complying with the rules set in place. A complete list of protocols can be found at nrhafuturity.com.”

The NRHA Futurity and Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships,  although closed to the general public, is open to all horse enthusiasts, who may enter through the barn areas to attend performances, the Futurity Trade Show held during the entire show and the NRHA/Markel Futurity Sales, set for Thursday, Dec. 3. The event will follow whatever health mandates are in place for Oklahoma City at the time of the show, currently including masks being required and restrictions pertaining to social distancing.

Six Million Reasons to Watch Andrea Fappani Rein

Photo by Cam Essick

For Immediate Release – November 12, 2020 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – The name Fappani is synonymous with the winner’s circle and this fall was no different for the Italian-born reiner. The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) unofficially congratulates NRHA Professional Andrea Fappani for becoming the newest NRHA Six Million Dollar Rider.

Fappani is only the second NRHA Professional in history to reach this monumental milestone. As soon as the 2020 show season resumed, Fappani hit the ground running and he’s been on a hot streak ever since.

At the 2020 NRHA Derby presented by Markel, Fappani rode Spooks Gotta Outfire (Spooks Gotta Whiz x Black Custom Chex) for owners Clemerson Gomes Barbalho and Mark Weissman to a 225.5. This was enough to take third place in the Open Level(L) 4 Finals and was the first chunk of change that inched Fappani closer to his six-million-dollar rider status.

Several top tier finishes at the rescheduled 2020 National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC) sent Fappani home with over $70,000 in his pocket. This trend continued at the High Roller Reining Classic and the Friends of Reining Futurity in Tennessee where Fappani made his $50,000+ payday look easy. Here are some of Fappani’s top finishes in 2020:

  • NRBC Hollywoodstinseltown Open Futurity L4 – First place: $12,720
  • NRBC Open Classic Finals L4 – Fourth place: $25,000
  • Friends of Reining Open Futurity Finals L4 – First place: $30,000; third place: $13,306; and fifth place: $9,504
  • AzRHA Best of the West Yellowstone Open Futurity L4 – First place: $20,072; and second place: $12,218

Originally from Italy, Fappani trains reining horses in Scottsdale, Arizona, at Rancho Oso Rio, LLC. He became an NRHA member in 1994 and traded in his non pro card to become a professional just three years later. In 2006, Fappani became one of the youngest NRHA Million Dollar Riders in history.

“When I came to the states in 1997, my dream was to win the Futurity,” Fappani said. “In 2001 I was lucky enough to do that. I had to ask myself what next because that was my lifetime goal.”

The humble showman has never solely focused on chasing his LTE, it’s always been about progressing his horsemanship. Fappani is especially proud of the consistency he’s displayed in his career year after year.

“I’ve always been scared of having a great year and following it up with a not so great one,” Fappani said. “It’s never been about winning, it’s always been about consistency in my training program and showing that I can make the same things happen again and again.”

Many of Fappani’s current clients have stuck with him since the first year he ran his own program. The trust Fappani has built with his clients is on full display each time he performs.

“When you have people behind you that trust you and don’t question the decisions you make as a trainer, it gives you a lot of freedom to treat their horses as your own,” Fappani explained. “Having clients like that behind me as a trainer has been one of my greatest assets in my career so far. And then I have a great team who keep me in a position where I can concentrate on my training and just get better every year.”

In the race to seven million, Fappani isn’t far behind NRHA Six Million Dollar Rider Shawn Flarida. Congratulations to Andrea Fappani on this monumental accomplishment!




Muehlstaetter Reaches NRHA Million Dollar Rider Status

For Immediate Release ­– November 7, 2020 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – At just 12 years old, Martin Muehlstaetter knew he wanted to train reining horses for a living. He is now, unofficially, the newest National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Million Dollar Rider.

Originally from Villach, Austria, Muehlstaetter’s first official mount was a warmblood on a lunge line. As the years passed, he would continue riding everything from warmbloods to haflingers and all other breeds in between until he became an assistant trainer for NRHA Million Dollar Rider Rudi Kronsteiner in 1999.

After three years of tutelage under Kronsteiner, Muehlstaetter was set to become an assistant trainer in Italy. Fate had other plans and he ended up in Texas before working for some of NRHA’s founding fathers: Bob Avila, and NRHA Million Dollar Rider Dell Hendricks, and Todd Sommers.

“When I told my mom I wanted to be a reining horse trainer, she told me there was no such thing,” said Muehlstaetter who now resides in Scottsdale, Arizona. “Ever since then I’ve always been focused on reining horses. That’s where my heart and soul is at.”

In January 2007, Muehlstaetter moved to Scottsdale to be with his future wife, Kim, and then stepped out on his own as a professional. One of the first horses Muehlstaetter trained from the ground up as his own boss was Country Custom (Custom Crome x Calatrava).

“We bought Custom as an early yearling and I did all the work from there until he hit the show pen,” Muehlstaetter said. “He was a special horse and now he’s living out retirement in our front field.”

Together, Muehlstaetter and Country Custom finished in the top ten at major NRHA events across the country in both the Open Level(L) 3 and 4. Muehlstaetter’s biggest payday to date came at the 2014 National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC). Marking a 226, Muehlstaetter and Blue Collar Tag (Whiz N Tag Chex x Kachina Oak Olena) finished in the number one spot for both Open L3 and 4.

Another one of Muehlstaetter’s top finishes was at the 2017 NRHA Futurity where he placed fourth in the Open L4 finals riding Seven On Seven (Spooks Gotta Whiz x Anne Get Your Gunner). Muehlstaetter humbly credits his success in the reining industry to his team standing on the sidelines for every run.

“I want to thank everybody who’s been part of this journey, from my family and my wife to all the shoers, vets, grooms, assistant trainers,” Muehlstaetter said. “Without the right people in your corner, a trainer can only reach a certain level. And it doesn’t matter how good you are if you don’t have clients to supply horses. I’ve been especially lucky in that regard.”

Muehlstaetter’s wife tracked the numbers closely for her husband as he made his way to the million-dollar milestone. During the 2020 Arizona Reining Horse Association (AzRHA) Best of the West show, Muehlstaetter reined Spooks Grand Slam (Spooks Gotta Whiz x Shiney Diamond Lady) to a 224. This was the top score in the Open L4 Friends of Reining Horse Foundation Open Derby.

“Reaching this goal was so emotional,” Muehlstaetter said. “Being such a crazy year, achieving this accomplishment felt good. I’m really proud of my wife and my whole team because without them I couldn’t have done it.”