Horse of the West “Short Stirrup Series” Continues at 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel

The National Reining Horse Association has long enjoyed the coverage provided by Horse of The West (formerly NRHA Inside Reining), and the 2021 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel will be featured on the popular RFD-TV program.

According to NRHA Senior Director of Corporate Relations and Communications Sammi Miller, the program helps the NRHA Derby reach a much wider audience.

She said, “Horse of the West, has helped the association to reach new people each year and show them all the excitement of reining.” With the program’s change of focus and expansion to covering both reined cow horse and barrel racing, Horse of the West has increased access to people who are already in the horse business. Their understanding of the complexities of training a horse should help draw them to the reining discipline.

In 2021 Sandbur Productions, creator of Horse of the West, is celebrating 20 years of reining coverage with the “Short Stirrup Series.”  At five unique reining events this year, Horse of the West is providing a special sponsorship to the 10 and Under class and will feature the top two finishers in the TV show.

Jenifer Reynolds of Sandbur Productions has long had a passion for reining and for the industry’s youngest riders. She said, “We want to showcase our youngest riders and encourage their involvement with horses. We hope the Short Stirrup Series will encourage families to get their kids out of the house and onto the back of a horse!”

Like many others in the reining world, Jenifer believes in the benefits of being involved with showing reining horses. “We’ve seen first-hand how young kids learn confidence, responsibility, and appreciation for animals through their involvement in reining. We want to show that benefit to our viewers,” she said.

“The sponsorship by Sandbur Productions and Horse of the West of the Short Stirrup classes is new at the 2021 Derby. Supporting the youth is something dear to NRHA and to have our long-time friends, Jenifer Reynolds and Chris Cook at Horse of the West, come along side to sponsor the youth is something we are proud to announce,” Miller said.

6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel coverage on Horse of the West is scheduled for September 13 and September 20. Remember, the show airs on Mondays at 10:30 p.m. ET on RFD-TV. For those who don’t have RFD-TV, the shows are posted on the Horse of the West YouTube channel.

Horse of the West is a multiple Telly Award and AHP Equine Media Award winning weekly show presenting coverage of reining, reined cow horse, and barrel racing. In 2020 Horse of the West garnered a record 6 million 18+ views on RFD-TV, rural America’s most important network, and is on target to repeat those viewership numbers again in 2021.

Go to for a complete show schedule.

Reining Horse Foundation Expands Scholarship Awards for 20th Anniversary

Traditionally, eight scholarships totaling $13,000 have been given each year to promising young National Reining Horse Youth Association members based on financial need, academic achievement, career plans, NRHA/NRHyA involvement, extracurricular activities, and references. To celebrate the Reining Horse Foundation’s 20th anniversary in 2021, the decision was made to award every applicant. This includes four additional scholarships of $500 each.

Longtime RHF Scholarship Committee chairman Mike Hancock was key in this decision. He said, “We are excited that we can provide scholarships for all our 2021 applicants. It is a great way to help them as well as the Reining Horse Foundation as we celebrate our 20th year. This was a great bunch of youth; our world and our sport are in good hands!”

These RHF Scholarships are awarded in addition to NRHyA Affiliate Regional Scholarships, Varsity Reining Club, and special program scholarships such as the CINCH® Speaking Contest. In total, more than $40,000 in academic funds is offered annually by the RHF, financed mostly by private donors and NRHyA fundraisers.

Olivia Klug

Olivia Klug is the 18-year-old daughter of Andrew and Lynette Klug of Columbus, Neb. She received a $2,500 scholarship with which she plans to pursue an Animal Science degree from Oklahoma State University.

Klug has been inspired by many, but one figure in her life stands out, “One person who has really inspired me in the last few years is the NRHA Youth Manager, Sara Honegger. Her passion for the NRHA and the horse industry has inspired me so much. She is a great example of working hard toward what you want. Watching her has really helped me to work harder toward my goals.”

For the past seven years, Klug has been an active member of both the North Central Reining Horse Association and the Central Plains Reining Horse Association. She has held several NRHyA officer positions since 2017 including vice president, treasurer, delegate, and is currently president. She is active in her state 4-H chapter, the American Quarter Horse Association and was also a Nebraska Agriculture Youth Institution delegate.

Klug is grateful for the opportunities she has had through her involvement in NRHyA. She said, “I feel very honored to receive this scholarship. The RHF has been a major supporter in my life through their support of NRHyA, especially since I’ve been on the officer team for the past several years. I really appreciate the opportunity to grow my leadership skill sets, and I have a deep sense of gratitude for the investment that they have made to my future career. It really means a lot to me.”

She went on to thank her parents for allowing her to be involved in the horse industry, her trainer Serena Siebrandt for helping her become the rider she is and for inspiring her to keep showing, and NRHyA for helping her develop leadership skills to expand her horizons.

Morgan Ritz

Nineteen-year-old Morgan Ritz is studying Secondary English Education at Colorado Christian University and plans to be a middle school English teacher. She lives in Comstock, Neb. with her parents, Sterling and Deborah Ritz.

Ritz’s inspiration came from her father’s role during the coronavirus pandemic. “He had to sit down and teach me math a lot, and although math is not my favorite subject, he was very patient with me. He also taught me other things in life, like seeing the value of teachers and teaching others by example. I want to follow in his footsteps because even though he is not in the education field, he is still a great teacher.” She added, “It was a struggle at first, but in the long run it helped me appreciate all that I had and all I was blessed with.”

With this $2,500, Ritz is now a two-time RHF Scholarship recipient, having claimed her first in 2020. “Receiving this scholarship means a lot to me. I feel blessed for the opportunity to apply for it and to be chosen as a recipient. I appreciate the support I have always had in my youth career in NRHA, and they still care about my future. That means a lot to me. It again shows me how blessed I am to be part of this organization,” Ritz said.

During high school, she was involved in FFA, 4-H, AQHYA, and NRHyA. She was also in the National Honor Society, Student Council, and Science Olympiad. In addition to academic activities, she competed in cross country and track and field events. In her spare time, Ritz volunteered at the church nursery, youth group, FFA trash pickup, and the 4-H Community Garden, among others.

Penelope Jae (P.J.) Tubaugh

Seventeen-year-old Penelope Jae (P.J.) Tubaugh earned a $2,500 scholarship that she plans to use at the University of Montana Western. In April, she completed a spring semester internship at Tamarack Ranch in Joseph, Oregon, for college credit.

Tubaugh resides in Livingston, Mont. with her mother, Jordan Aller. She said, “While the reining industry as a whole inspires me, I am most inspired by the professionals and individuals who are working to change it for the better, and who hold the industry to a high standard. After working at Tamarack Ranch, I am also very inspired by Gabe and Susi Hutchins. They have shown me an amazing example of how things should be run and how to always keep the horse’s best interest in mind.”

Tubaugh plans to major in Business Administration and minor in Equine Management with the hope of managing the breeding at an equine facility. She said, “My mom was a single mother and raised me with no financial support from my father, so this scholarship means less money for her to have to pitch in to help me, hopefully, get my dream job after the large amount she has already contributed to help me chase my dreams all these years.” She is an active member of the Yellowstone Reining Horse Association and the Montana Reining Horse Association and was a 4-H Club president having won multiple grand and reserve championships with various projects.

Tubaugh had a long list of people to thank for her success. She said, “First, I would like to thank my family. They have supported and backed me up no matter what and have always been there to keep me motivated. My grandpa, Steve Aller, has been my biggest supporter when it comes to my reining horse and showing. I would also like to thank all of my reining horse family including the Anderson family, Kreistal, Ryan, Jay Dee and Jan. Lastly, I would like to thank Tamarack Ranch for helping to make this scholarship possible. Gabe and Susi were vital in this process, and I could not have done it without them and their breeding manager, Stephanie Compton.”

Olivia Badgley

After sustaining an injury after a stirrup broke while jumping, 17-year-old Olivia Badgley spent a lot of time with an orthopedic surgeon who inspired her to become an orthopedic physician’s assistant. She also had a biology teacher whom she credits with instilling a love for biochemistry and biology.

Badgley lives in Hillard, Ohio, with her mother, Rene Badgley, and plans to use her $1,500 scholarship to major in Biology. She said “It is a huge honor to be considered for this scholarship, as I have only been a NRHA member for a few years now. I am honored to have been selected to receive one of the scholarships. While doing the essay, and from what I have read, I value everything that the association is built on.”

Badgley is the Western Representative for the Interscholastic Equestrian Association Western National Youth Board where she has twice won the IEA Sportsmanship award. She is also a member of the Young Riders 4-H Club, and the Dare Equestrian IEA Team. In school, she was a member of the National Honor Society and Hillard Darby Key Club. Having played the violin since the 5th grade, she was also a musician in the Symphonic and Concert Orchestra.

In her free time, Badgley volunteers her time to food preparation for the Manna Café Homeless shelter, the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, 4-H Horse Partnership, Franklin County Fair Cleanup, and Santa’s Visit Pictures.

Olivia thanked her trainer, Patrick Schwartz, by saying, “When we met, he introduced me to reining and made me fall in love with it. He also led me to find my horse. He was a huge part of finding my love for reining.”

Allison Schweller

The youngest of four children, Allison Schweller has her heart set on becoming a cardiovascular surgeon. The 18-year-old daughter of Randall and Nancy Schweller is involved in the Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) where she placed in the top 10 at regionals twice in Medical Innovations and once in Medical Photography.

Schweller was Ambassador Leader for a medical summit at Johns Hopkins University. “My inspiration came from my four years of taking a [Project Lead The Way] class for biomedical sciences. We explored all different categories such as heart parts, brain locations and functions. One other deciding factor was when I was nominated to attend the medical summit at Johns Hopkins University. During the summit, we had an activity that stimulated suturing. It came so naturally to me that the doctor insisted that I try a more difficult suture.”

She is also a member of the Midwest Reining Horse Association, the Indiana Reining Horse Association, and the Illinois Reining Horse Association as well as her local 4-H Horse and Pony Club, a drill team and Key Club.

Schweller will make good use of the $1,500 RHF Scholarship as she is currently enrolled at Valparaiso University. She said, “This scholarship puts me one step closer to accomplishing my career goals without the heavy burden of student loan debt. I’m very grateful and honored to receive this scholarship.” She added, “I would like to thank my parents, my grandparents, Dennis and Vicky Schweller, and Juanita and Raymond Bellis, and my trainer, Corey Wilson. The countless hours they’ve dedicated into ensuring my success inside and outside of the arena are never taken for granted. They push me to continuously reach for the stars. I wouldn’t be the rider nor the person I am without any of these lovely people.”

Naomi Allyssa Ornelles

For as long as she can remember, Naomi Allyssa Ornelles has loved horses. The 17-year-old resident of Granbury, Texas, is president of her FFA Chapter and a former secretary. She has enjoyed membership in the Appaloosa Horse Club, American Paint Horse Association, and the American Quarter Horse Association. In her younger years, she competed in 4-H with the Young Riders Club and judging team.

Riding with Temple’s +1 Performance Horses Show Team, she earned ApHC world championships in Ranch Reining and Boxing and two reserve world championships in reining on the first horse she was able to buy with her own money. Recently, her FFA Horse Judging team won the Houston Livestock Show Horse Judging Contest. She keeps her knowledge honed by volunteering as a scribe at local horse shows.

Ornelles’ interest in reining began when she first visited her aunt, Leslie Temple’s, facility. “I saw my aunt riding one of her reiners in the arena and she said, ‘Let me show you something.’ She ran down the fence and stopped, and I fell in love with the sport. She taught me everything I know.” She noted. “Also, my great grandma was one of the first female jockeys back in the day, so I’m definitely driven to be like the people I looked up to.” Ornelles intends to make her love of horses a career by using her $1,000 RHF Scholarship to pursue an Animal Science degree on her way to becoming an equine veterinarian.

“I originally wanted to become an all-around livestock vet until we lost a yearling filly to strangles. Since then, I’ve especially wanted to work with horses. They are amazing, beautiful creatures and I want to do all I can to be sure they are healthy, happy, and comfortable,” she said. “I was beyond excited to receive that letter. I am very grateful for the Reining Horse Foundation’s help in pursuing my dreams. I am also so happy to have a horse foundation step up to help me give back to the horse industry.” She also thanked her parents, Steven & Heidi Ornelles, and her Aunt Leslie.

Riding with Temple’s +1 Performance Horses Show Team, she earned ApHC world championships in Ranch Reining and Boxing and two reserve world championships in reining on the first horse she was able to buy with her own money. Recently, her FFA Horse Judging team won the Houston Livestock Show Horse Judging Contest. She keeps her knowledge honed by volunteering as a scribe at local horse shows.

Kate Lilley

Hailing from Weatherford, Texas, Kate Lilley has been a member of the South Texas Reining Horse Association since she was about 10 and comes from a reining family; Greg Lilley, her father, is a successful Non Pro. Her mother, Kristen Lilley, is an NRHA and AQHA judge. Lilley competed at the state level in 4-H, in the North Texas High School Rodeo Association, and qualified for the National High School Rodeo Association Finals in reined cow horse.

The 17-year-old senior completed dual classes at Weatherford High School, so she  graduated with a year of college credits already under her belt. She participated on the Student Council, the Sports Medicine Staff, and Health Occupation Students of America. She was active on the archery and high school rodeo teams. She also volunteers for Meals on Wheels, and Rafter J Exceptional Rodeos for Children with Disabilities.

Lilley’s $750 award is designated as the RHF John McQuay Memorial Scholarship. Her plan to major in Biomedical Science was inspired by her veterinarian. “I wanted to be a vet at first, but she told me, ‘Hey, if you are going to be in school the same amount of time, why don’t you become a doctor?’”

Maddisen Schulz

Growing up, Maddisen Schulz would often go on emergencies with her mother, Tracy Schulz, a veterinarian, “She would always have me count pills and get prescriptions ready. It was fun for me so that is what sparked my interest,” Schulz recalled. She will use her $750 RHF Scholarship to pursue a major in Pharm. D.

The 18-year-old from Shelby, Nebraska, is an Honor Roll student at Columbus High School and takes concurrent college courses. She has been captain of her swim team for two years. She is an active member of the Central Plains Reining Horse Association and the North Central Affiliate. She has also been showing horses in 4-H for the last 11 years.

Shultz is thankful to have such supportive people in her life who have helped her with her education. “I’d really like to thank my teacher Mrs. Shannon McDonald. Shannon has really helped me get through school. I also thank my trainer Josie Bonner, because she is always there helping no matter what.”

With full appreciation, Schultz added, “It means a ton to me. It helps me better my future, and it is honestly a blessing because I did not think I would get it. When I got the letter, I was rejoicing. I called up my trainer, first thing, and said ‘We got it!’” 

The other applicants to receive $500 RHF Scholarships are:

Kelsey Cremia

Eighteen-year-old Kelsey Cremia lives in Auburn, Pa., with her parents Bernard and Terri Cremia. She graduated from Blue Mountain High where she participated in the International Club. Kelsey is a member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Reining Horse Association. She also volunteers every summer at the local SPCA walking dogs. She plans to major in Business at college.

Emma Dillon

Emma Dillon, from Ventura, Calif. is the 17-year-old daughter of Thomas and Dawn Dillon. She was an honor student at Foothill Technology High School where she played soccer and was a member of the Bioscience Academy. She plans to major in Animal Science to become an equine veterinarian.

Brogan Hill

Brogan Hill lives in Saint Anthony, Idaho, with her parents Randy and Melinda Rumsey. The 18-year-old graduated from Sugar City High where she was the president of the Karaoke Club and a member of the Spirit and Rodeo Clubs. She is also active in the Idaho Reining Horse Association, AQHYA and the AjPHA. She plans to major in Communication and Business to pursue a career as a motivational speaker.

Allyson Nicklous

Eighteen-year-old Allyson Nicklous lives in St. Paul, Ore, with her parents David and Laurie Nicklous. Allyson attended St. Paul and Blanchet Catholic where she was active in basketball, volleyball, band, speech, debate, Reading Club, and the National Honor Society. She is a member of Oregon Reining Horse Association and plans to major in Pre-Med and Biology to become an orthopedic surgeon.

NRHyA is a program funded through the Reining Horse Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is the charitable arm of NRHA. Along with youth leadership development woven throughout NRHyA programs, the Foundation supports scholarships for NRHyA members. Donors are invited to support these programs in a myriad of ways including individual donations, memorials/honorariums, and participation in NRHyA fundraisers. One of the benefits of maintaining NRHyA membership is eligibility for those scholarships.

2020 NRHA European Derby Entry Deadline

Wiener Neustadt, June 2—The 2020 edition of the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) European Derby will be held at Western Training Center H&D Schulz Quarter Horses Wiener Neustadt, Austria, on June 28 – July 3, 2021.

Originally scheduled to be held in May during the Western Horse Show Fair in Wels, Austria,—and following cancellation of the same due to COVID restrictions—Austrian Reining Horse Association (ARHA) President Helmut Schulz of Western Training Center graciously offered his facility to host the €106,200-added* Colonels Shining Gun Open Derby and €45,510-added* Smart Spook Non Pro Derby (*subject to change in nominations).

The event presented by NRHA Corporate Partner Markel, Official Equine Insurance Partner of NRHA, is open to NRHA nominated horses that are 6 to 9 years old and will be held behind closed doors.

The entry deadline is June 10, 2021.

For online entries click here or email Show Secretary Andrea Papaianni:

For further information:

The 2021 NRHA European Derby will be held in Lyon, France in conjunction with Longines Equita Lyon October 27–31, 2021. This event will be open to NRHA nominated horses that are 5 to 8 years old in 2021.

NRHA European Derby Media Contact:
Simona Diale/International Horse Press

Three Sires Hit NRHA Multi-Million Dollar Milestones in First Half 2021

Several National Reining Horse Association approved events have boasted lucrative payouts in 2021. Those impressive purses helped push three already prolific sires to event bigger milestones. Magnum Chic Dream, now the associations fourth leading sire, became an NRHA Seven Million Dollar Sire, while Spooks Gotta Whiz and Hollywoodtinseltown (now 16th and 19th on the leading sire list, respectively) joined the elite NRHA Three Million Dollar Sire Club.

Magnum Chic Dream

Now 25 years old, Magnum Chic Dream has become a household name in the reining industry, and his foals have now won more than $7 million. The stallion, by NRHA Seven Million Dollar Sire Smart Chic Olena out of Sailin Barbee, is owned by Jack and Viola Scott of Sherman, Texas.

As a performer, Magnum Chic Dream, bred by Guy Du Ponchel, boasts $44,000 in lifetime earnings. The stallion then excelled as a sire, achieving NRHA Million Dollar Sire status in 2010 and reaching the seventh million just 11 years later.

Magnum Chic Dream’s top offspring include:

  • Chic Dreamin (out of Skeets Red Dunit) $247,272
  • Taris Dreamer (out of Taris San Cutter) $194,311
  • Mega Maggie Mae (out of Cinco De Mega) $182,116
  • Msdreamy (out of A Gal With A Gun) $181,720
  • Made By Magnum (out of Ready Make Cowboy) $168,523

Spooks Gotta Whiz

Spooks Gotta Whiz excelled in the show pen, earning more than $345,000 during his career. The stallion is one of an elite group of horses to win reining’s Triple Crown, consisting of the NRHA Futurity, NRHA Derby, and NRBC, which he did with NRHA Two Million Dollar Rider Jordan Larson and NRHA Six Million and Leading Rider Shawn Flarida.

Spooks Gotta Whiz is by NRHA Two Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Gun and out of Prettywhizprettydoes. Bred by Clint Haverty, the 2007 stallion is owned by Michell Anne Kimball, who purchased the horse from Duane Hicks in 2009.

The 14-year-old stallion surpassed three million dollars in offspring earnings during the final weekend of the 2021 NRBC, when his foals won more than $80,000 in the Non Pro and Open finals. Major earners included Trendsettter (ridden by Kole Price), Spooks Gotta Crush (ridden by Ruben Vandorp), Rambowhiz (ridden by Trevor Dare), Gotta Connection (ridden by Shelby Clausen), Exit 21 (ridden by Kelle Smith), and TR Baby Blues (ridden by Kim Muehlstaetter).

Spooks Gotta Whiz’s top performers are:

  • Spooky Whiz (out of Myo Starlight) $185,708
  • Gotta Twist It Up (out of Make It With A Twist) $183,837
  • Spooks Show Time (out of Dolittle Lena) $173,416
  • Spooks Grand Slam (out of Shiney Diamond Lady) 140,429
  • Spooks Gotta Crush (out of Megas Sugar Baby) 139,597


Hollywoodstinseltown first appeared on the NRHA Million Dollar Sire list in 2017, and has raced up the leading sire ranks. Prior to the 2021 NRBC, Hollywoodstinseltown was just over $11,000 away from Three Million Dollar Sire Status. Outstanding Finals performances by Hollywooddirtysecret (ridden by Sam Flarida), Cee Mr Stop and Mr Royal Hollywood (both ridden by Brian Bell) garnered an incredible $54,000, easily crossing the Million Dollar Mark.

Hollywoodstinseltown, who was laid to rest in 2020,  was royally bred. His sire was NRHA Hall of Fame Inductee and Six Million Dollar Sire Hollywood Dun It, and his dam, Miss Tinseltown, is also in the Hall of Fame.

The 2004 stallion was bred and owned throughout the course of his life by Silva Reining Horses of Pilot Point, Texas.

Some of his accolades include 2007 NRHA Prime Time Champion; 2009 NRHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; 2008, 2009, and 2010 NRBC Open top ten; 2010 USEF National Championships top ten; and 2010 World Equestrian Games (WEG) top ten in both individual and team competition. His NRHA lifetime earnings total more than $185,885.

The top five offspring from this flashy palomino stallion are:

  • Tinseltown Fly Guy (out of Fly Flashy Jac) $250,083
  • Shining In Town (out of Shine Ann) $199,780
  • Hollywooddirtysecret (out of Maximum Rpm) $172,257
  • Tinseltown Flash (out of Billie Gun Flash) $134,920
  • Mr Royal Hollywood (out of Cee Miss Hollywood) $106,360

The Run For A Million To Host Raise a Million Auctions to Benefit Reining Horse Foundation

For Immediate Release – May 28, 2021 – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – The Run For A Million, set for August 18-21, will feature two auctions to benefit the Reining Horse Foundation. The South Point Arena and Equestrian Center in Las Vegas will welcome both a silent auction featuring items for bidding throughout the competition and a live auction that will precede the Gala Select Sale on August 21.

NRHA President and Foundation Board Member Rick Clark reached out to The Run For A Million team leaders Taylor Sheridan and Amanda Brumley about a fundraiser at the event. He said, “We were already set to have our volunteers run an RHF booth at the event to encourage people to be part of the Reiners Club, and I asked what we could do to raise money while we were there. Amanda suggested a silent and live auction and this grew from that. I ran the idea past the RHF Development Committee and Board and got their blessing, then challenged each of them to get donations for the auction.”

Clark continued, “This is a wonderful opportunity for the Foundation and we can’t thank Taylor and Amanda enough. This is really big and really appreciated.”   

Brumley agrees that the auctions will be massive – both in content and in result. “When Rick asked me what we could do, I thought this would be a perfect venue and a big moneymaker for the Foundation – considering the huge crowd.  The energy of the event will help the items sell.”

With Las Vegas opening completely on June 1, The Run For A Million event is expected to be a sellout, and the response to the auction should result in considerable benefit for the Foundation. She added, “We encourage people to get creative with what they can donate – with items in all price ranges. I urge everyone to take part and help the Reining Horse Foundation so it can help others. We are all paying it forward.”  

Reining Horse Foundation Executive Director Leslie Baker said, “The Run For A Million was developed to celebrate and grow the sport. Now, this new collaboration has resulted in the creation of The Raise A Million Auctions with the sole purpose of giving back to the reining community through NRHA’s charitable, nonprofit organization. This is especially meaningful given that we are celebrating the Reining Horse Foundation’s 20th anniversary throughout 2021. We are grateful that those attending The Run For A Million will have a chance to get to know more about our mission and programs.”

Already, the items donated for the auctions are indicative of the impact of the event and promise to create a fun event that raises money for an important cause.

  • 2022 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo VIP “Night at the Rodeo” donated by BMW Quarter Horses
  • 100X Custom J.W. Brooks Hat donated by J.W. Brooks
  • Custom Belt made and donated by Eclectic Beadwork
  • Headstall donated by Mullinax Custom Leather
  • Custom Headstall donated by Bob’s Custom Saddles
  • Show Pad by Golden West donated by Nancy Tague
  • Show Pad donated by Show Diva
  • Show Pad donated by Show Stoppin
  • Moody Chic Scrap Sketch Ink/Watercolor by artist Josey Butler, donated by Terri Mainey
  • Commissioned Drawing created by and donated by Kaci O’Rourke
  • A Breeding and Chute Fee for No Smoking Required, the co-champion of The Run For A Million 2019 donated by owners Schmersal/ThorSport Inc.

Other items are being received daily and there is still plenty of time to take part in the auctions! Donations of trips, unique experiences, services, training packages, artwork, jewelry, goods and more are all welcome. Donors should submit by August 1 to Brumley Management Group,

Attn: RHF Auction, 28150 N Alma School Pkwy #103-619, Scottsdale, AZ 85262. For information on the auction or RHF, contact Leslie Baker at or (405) 946-7400, ext. 106.

The mission of the Reining Horse Foundation is to care for and honor the reining community. Core programs include the Dale Wilkinson Memorial Crisis Fund to benefit reiners enduring hardships such as major illness, accidents and disasters; youth leadership development and scholarships for members of the National Reining Horse Youth Association; and perpetuation of the sport’s history through the NRHA Hall of Fame. For information on the RHF auctions, visit