NRHA Statement Regarding Reining’s Removal as FEI Discipline

During the Fédération Equestre Internationale General Assembly which began on November 14 and concludes today, November 17, reining was removed as an FEI discipline. According to former National Reining Horse Association President Mike Hancock, it was not an unexpected move.

Hancock chaired NRHA’s FEI Task Force that was created in 2019 and has been involved with reining internationally in one capacity or another since the nineties. “We’ve had many conversations with FEI including face-to-face meetings in 2018 and 2020. Both entities recognize the value of and interest in reining and reining horses worldwide. However, we were never able to blend the two organizations and their business models,” Hancock explained.

He added, “Also with the difficulties during the 2018 World Equestrian Games as well as the ensuing announcement that there would be no multi-discipline WEG going forward, you might say the bloom came off reining as an international event for the reining community. For NRHA, there was less attraction, but we continued with an International Competition Task Force created in 2020, and just days before the General Assembly we had conversations and tried to reach a working agreement with FEI officials. Unfortunately, this was not possible.”

Current NRHA President Rick Clark was quick to thank Hancock and the International Competition Task Force and noted that he would repurpose it to address the possibility of future NRHA competitions in an international format. He said, “The NRHA still has an interest in International and Continental championships and will research resources that might allow them to take place. We are glad to hear that FEI and a good number of National Federations are supportive of us proceeding in that direction. The International Competition Taskforce created in 2020 will address this to determine if it is feasible.”

NRHA Commissioner Gary Carpenter added, “All of us who have been involved thank the friends we have made at FEI for the years of support in jointly promoting the sport of reining.”

Along with Hancock, the NRHA International Competition Task Force is comprised of Rick Clark, Rosanne Sternberg, Adam Heaton, Mark Blake, Andre DeBellefeuille and Paulus Beurskens.

NRHA Ceases Negotiations with FEI

The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) and the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) collaborated for more than 20 years to showcase and expand the sport of reining worldwide while creating historic memories valued by many.

Unfortunately, countless impediments throughout the relationship – legal, cultural, structural, and financial in nature –  presented numerous hurdles over that time, and include recent FEI actions. Therefore, the NRHA leadership made the decision not to move forward with a new FEI agreement.

Although it was announced that FEI had terminated the original agreement in 2020, a new Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations was approved by the FEI Board of Directors in June 2021. The NRHA Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and Task Force members were comfortable with that agreement, which would have created a framework for a limited group of international championships.

Then, an entirely different agreement was drafted and submitted to NRHA on September 15, 2021. “We are unsure of what led up to this development, and why NRHA was not consulted,” noted NRHA President Rick Clark. “At this time, the Executive Committee, with the support of the NRHA Board of Directors, has made the decision to not move forward with a new agreement with FEI.”

NRHA Commissioner Gary Carpenter expanded on Clark’s statement. “NRHA has worked diligently over the past two years to collaboratively negotiate a new agreement and made it a top priority for the association. Through our Executive Committee, Board, FEI Task Force, and staff, we remained fully committed to working closely with the FEI, and were excited for what the future held,” he said. “Unfortunately, a lack of direct and clear communication from FEI has been one of the biggest hurdles. We have constantly seen the goal post move further out of reach, to the point where a relationship is no longer feasible or beneficial to our members.”

Both Clark and Carpenter noted there is no ill will towards the FEI, its leadership, staff, and members. “We are thankful for everything the FEI has done for reining and the reining horse over the years, and proud that reining was able to contribute excitement in the form of an alternative discipline in the FEI World Equestrian Games™. We hope that in the future we may be able to work together in some capacity,” Clark shared.

NRHA Reiner Receives Awards and Recognition at 2021 AHP Equine Media Awards Banquet

The annual American Horse Publications three-day conference features the Equine Media Awards Banquet. Held September 16 – 18 in Irving, Texas, this year, AHP’s Equine Media Awards competition featured nearly 600 entries for materials published in 2020. After the entries were reviewed and the judging was complete, the National Reining Horse Association’s monthly publication, the NRHA Reiner, and the marketing department received multiple awards.

Sara Honegger, Manager of Youth, Professional, and Affiliate Programs, helped create one of the award-winning entries. She also works closely with the production team of the Reiner. “These awards are such an honor to be a part of, and we couldn’t be successful without such a strong team. Between our marketing, media and Reiner departments, we have such passion and talent, and I am proud to be part of the team,” she said.

Gary Carpenter, NRHA Commissioner, reflected on the awards received by NRHA. “As proud as I am of what our Reiner and marketing staff accomplished in this competition, the key to me is that competition helps us stay sharp and keep our edge. Ultimately, it’s the value we bring to NRHA members that matters.”

Top NRHA Placing Entries


Megan Arszman, Author – Jennifer Paulson, Editor

The Breeding Game: To Show or To Sell? June 2020

Judge’s Comments – This was a great article that easily rose to the top of this class; it was clear, concise, and incorporated a variety of quotes from varied breeders in the industry. All of that input and variability is what made this story so interesting.


Together, We Rein On

Sara Honegger, NRHA Youth & Professionals Programs Manager – Lindsay Humphrey, NRHA Public Relations and Communications

Judge’s Comments – This touching, bittersweet short video conveys the plaintive status of the reining horse world in pandemic times. Great footage and stills and the soft background music come together with the voiceover. A good script with a natural delivery that sounds as if it’s spoken by a rider. That much narration is often way too much, but it works here as a special message to the reining horse world.

For more information about the American Horse Publications, visit

NRHA Official Commentators to Call the Action for the All American Quarter Horse Congress Reining Futurity Open Finals

Get ready to watch the live internet feed of the All American Quarter Horse Congress Reining Futurity Open Finals on October 2. The free webcast will feature the National Reining Horse Association’s premier team of Steve Ross and Rocky Dare, who will call the action and provide insights drawn from their long tenure within the reining industry.

Steve Ross has become a strong voice for the NRHA, doing live interviews and explaining the intricacies of reining. An NRHA Judge who also worked NCAA sports and other broadcast gigs, he recently partnered with The Cowboy Channel’s Jeff Medders on multiple broadcasts of the NRHA Derby presented by Markel and the National Reining Breeders Classic.

NRHA Hall of Fame Inductee and Million Dollar Rider Rocky Dare purchased his lifetime NRHA membership while he was still a struggling neophyte horse trainer because he knew he wanted to ride reiners for a long time. Purchasing the membership, which represented more than two weeks of his salary at the time, was a prophetic move because he’s now been involved in reining in five different decades!

You can view the action and hear the commentary from these elite experts by clicking here or you can click on the link on the NRHA website to take you directly to the webcast, which is provided by the Congress through Bryan Morgan’s National Sports Broadcasting. A great feature of Morgan’s technology is that you can rewind up to four hours, as long as the event is still streaming.

The NRHA and its event management team have tapped Steve and Rocky to help add production value to the sport’s major events, and plans are in motion to grow this important facet going forward. NRHA Events Manager Cheryl Cody said, “Reining is an important sport, and we are poised to begin showcasing the industry and the people in it in a new light. With all the momentum in the industry now, we’ll be stepping up to a new ‘Game Day’ level at the 2021 NRHA Futurity and Adequan® North American Affiliate Championships, set for November 25 – December 4.”

NRHA Million Dollar Rider Matt Mills Will Compete at Road to the Horse 2022

The competition for Road to the Horse 2022 is heating up, and National Reining Horse Association Professional and Million Dollar Rider Matt Mills has been announced as one of the four selected trainers invited to compete in the elite competition.

Mills, of Scottsdale, Arizona, will join fellow competitors Brandi Lyons and Cole Cameron March 24-27, 2022, at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky, to compete for a purse exceeding $100,000.

“I feel honored to have been chosen and am excited to compete at the Road to the Horse. Starting colts is an aspect of training that most people don’t get to see. The thing about training reining horses, or any high-level horse, is that they all have to start somewhere,” Mills shared. “Training and showing top reining horses from start to finish has been my focus for years and making it a competition is right up my alley. I believe I will be a better horseman because of it.”

Consistently ranked among the top NRHA Professionals, Mills’ accomplishments include earning the NRHA Level 3 Open Futurity Reserve Championship and numerous titles at the National Reining Breeders Classic. He has also claimed several large futurity and derby wins at events including the Rocky Mountain Reining Horse Association Summer Slide, the High Roller Reining Classic, the Southwest Reining Horse Association Futurity and NRHA Cowtown Classic.

One of his most significant achievements entailed winning the 2006 USEF Open Reining Championship in Lexington, Kentucky on Easy Otie Whiz with a career-high score of 231.5. This feat earned him a spot on the U.S. Reining Team that claimed a gold medal at the World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany.

While his list of achievements is long, Mills is aware he’ll be competing in a brand-new arena and has already reached out to several accomplished colt starters for advice on navigating the competition’s three-day format. “I’m very green at colt starting competitions. I have never done anything like this before, and I am excited to do it. It is going to be a fun and new challenge, and I look forward to carrying the flag for fellow NRHA members,” he said.

To give himself even more practice, Mills recently purchased an un-started and untrained 7-year-old mustang. “His name is Raven, and I purchased him for a whopping $170,” Mills laughed. “He has quite the story, and it was quite the ruckus to even get him back to the ranch. My plan is to train him in the exact format as the Road to the Horse. This is just one of the ways I’ll be preparing for the event. I’m definitely not just going to show up and wing it; I’m putting in the work beforehand.”  

Mills’ horsemanship journey began when he was introduced to horses at eight years of age by a pony named Dizzy while taking lessons in a small round pen at the Lakewood Equestrian Center in Long Beach, California. As a youth rider, he earned multiple championships throughout California in a variety of disciplines including Western Pleasure, Horsemanship and Trail.

Mills switched his focus to reining in 1996, establishing his own training operation in Scottsdale, Arizona. In addition to training and showing futurity and derby horses, he also coaches several successful Non Pro and Youth riders, and has also hosted clinics in Europe and Mexico.

Mills likens training horses to being a doctor or a lawyer; no matter how good you are at it, there are always ways to improve. “Anything you can do to make the job easier for the horse and make you more competitive is important to learn. When you visit with top riders – regardless of their event – you start to see some constants,” he explained. “I am a student of the game and believe you can learn from almost everyone. I enjoy horses and know that every new experience I have can help me improve. I hope that by jumping out and doing this competition I can encourage other people to try something new.”

“We’re excited to welcome NRHA professional horseman Matt Mills to our Championship Competitor lineup,” Tina Battock, Morris Equine Group President, noted. “Road to the Horse strives to bring together the industry’s most elite colt starters who are not only stand-outs in their disciplines but most importantly, shining ambassadors of the horse.” 

Road to the Horse 2022 takes place at the Kentucky Horse Park on March 24-27, 2022. Tickets are available at or by calling 800-514-3849. Follow Road to the Horse on Facebook for the latest information and stay tuned to find out who will be revealed as the next Road to the Horse 2022 competitor. 

About Road to the Horse

Founded in 2003, Road to the Horse strives to inspire people to reach a higher level of horsemanship and develop unity with a horse based on trust and not fear. The goal is, through education and entertainment, to can change people’s ideas and create a better world for the horse. The purpose of Road to the Horse is to identify the superior colt starter who accumulates the highest score throughout the competition. Judging focuses on the competitor and the effectiveness of their horsemanship methodology to communicate, educate, and build a partnership with their colt based on trust. Fans witness the entire journey, from colt selection to the final obstacle challenge. Purchase tickets and see the event schedule at

About Morris Equine Group

Morris Equine Group consists of some of the industry’s most recognized brands, including Western Horseman, Quarter Horse News and Barrel Horse News. The group also includes business-to-business publication Western Lifestyle Retailer and EquiStat, a statistical service offering detailed information and earnings for the performance horse industry. Morris Equine Group is also home to the National Barrel Horse Association, the West Coast Barrel Racing Association and the World Championship of Colt Starting, Road to the Horse.

The National Reining Horse Association is not responsible for the information contained in this press release. Please contact the author or submitting organization for further information, requests, or questions.