Two NRHA Owners Reach Two Million

Another record-breaking 6666 National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Derby presented by Markel pushed two owners past the two million dollar milestone.

Corinna Schumacher

2023 has been an incredible year for freshly minted NRHA Million Dollar Rider Gina-Maria Schumacher, whose latest wins included not only the Level 4 Non Pro Championship at this year’s 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel but also two additional spots within the top five. This, combined with her performance in the preliminary round and stakes competition, pushed her family across another NRHA milestone. Only two years after crossing the million-dollar mark, Gina’s mother, Corinna Schumacher, owner of XCS Ranch and CS Ranch, etched her name in history once again as an NRHA Two Million Dollar Owner.

Corinna has not only had success as an NRHA owner but as a Non Pro as well. She competed in trail and pleasure classes and earned NRHA European Affiliate titles and an NRHA Intermediate Non Pro World Championship. Corinna would also ride horses for a few years before passing them on to her daughter when she was first starting in reining, which proved a great success.

CS Ranch in Givrins, Switzerland, was the original home of the Schumachers’ success. Then Corinna recognized the growth their business could have with a headquarters in the United States, and the family purchased 460 acres in Gordonville, Texas, and built a state-of-the-art facility. Named XCS Ranch and completed in 2012, it is home to NRHA Two Million Dollar Rider Duane Latimer as the resident trainer.

Much of Corinna’s success as an owner has come from the success of her daughter on the backs of many of CS Ranch and XCS Ranch’s horses, including CS Sailing Gun, who Gina piloted to the Level 4 Non Pro Championship at the 2023 6666 Ranch NRHA Derby presented by Markel. By Gunners Enterprise and out of La Bigia Sailor, CS Sailing Gun was the perfect horse to push Corrina to the $2 million mark due to the gelding’s deep connection to the Schumachers. Gina rode the gelding’s sire in Europe, and Corinna competed aboard the dam.

With the hot streak Gina has been on this year, Corinna has a great opportunity to add to her owner earnings during the 2023 The Run For A Million. Gina qualified for the million-dollar competition earlier this year in Arizona on XCS Ranch LLC’s Gunnastepya, where she earned top honors.

Tom McCutcheon

Only a year after crossing the two million dollar mark as a rider, Tom McCutcheon joined the elite list of NRHA Two Million Dollar Owners.

The McCutcheon family is synonymous with reining, so it’s only fitting this accolade comes after amazing performances by Tom’s wife, Mandy, in the 2023 6666 Ranch NRHA Derby presented by Markel. Mandy and three of her mounts, owned in conjunction with Tom, qualified for the L4 Derby. After placing sixth on Starlights Voodoo (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Whizen Starlight) and a tie for tenth between the McCutcheon’s own SPF 50 (Shiners Voodoo Dr x Whiz N Low) and JLosa (Arlosa Whiz x Spook N Jessie), Mandy added more than $14,700 to Tom’s owner earnings and pushed him over two million dollars.

Tom’s first paycheck as an owner and rider in the NRHA Futurity was in 1990 on Sr Glitter, a mare by Colonel Freckles, NRHA Hall of Fame Inductee Gunner’s grandsire. Since his first recorded NRHA earnings in 1984, he has earned two individual and team gold medals at the World Equestrian Games, multiple major event futurity and derby championships, and was named the USET Equestrian of the Year, to name a few. He also has been a National Reining Breeders Classic Champion, of which he was a co-founder.

Located in Aubrey, Texas, Tom McCutcheon Reining Horses features more than a premier breeding operation. The business also boasts a training program and rehabilitation business in addition to the McCutcheons’ equine media company, WorldWide Slide. All aspects of the business are truly a family endeavor, with Tom and Mandy at the head, and their son, NRHA Million Dollar Rider, Cade playing his role on the team. The McCutcheon’s daughter, Carlee, is also an accomplished athlete across reining and hunter jumper disciplines.

Adding to his long catalog of entrepreneurial endeavors, he also started the wildly popular Tom McCutcheon’s The SHOW, a round table style YouTube series where he features casual interviews with industry giants. Viewers can learn more about training, industry knowledge, and more about the lives of people past the show pen.

Recently, Tom has continued to add to his rider and owner lifetime earnings on two mounts—Gunners Nite Train and Gold Star Gunner, full siblings by Gunners Special Nite out of Belle Starr Dun It.

Later this month, Tom could skyrocket his way closer to another milestone. He will compete at The Run For A Million $100,000 Shoot Out on NRHA Futurity Champion Super Marioo (Gunnatrashya x HA Chic A Tune), owned by Tom and Mandy. He is looking to build on the success he had with this mount at the 2023 NRBC to qualify him for the 2024 Million Dollar Competition. Regardless of the outcome, however, one thing is certain—the McCutcheons will work together to continue achieving success and reaching new milestones in the equestrian industry.

Jordan Larson Reaches NRHA Three Million Dollar Rider Status

Jordan Larson brought two horses back to the level 4 finals at the 6666 National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Derby presented by Markel to finish the week as an NRHA Three Million Dollar Rider.

Larson, who reached million-dollar status at age 30, finished ninth in Level 4 Open on I Shine At Nite (Gunners Special Nite x Shiney Enterprise), owned by Nicole McDevitt, to earn $11,507. Larson also finished 21st in the Level 4 on KR Trashya Lena (Gunnatrashya x Smart Shiney Lena), owned by Nicole and Kathy Driscoll, which earned $4,283. Both paychecks helped Larson reach the next goal of his successful NRHA career.

“I’m very thankful to have crossed the three million dollar mark at the derby this year!” said Jordan Larson. “The last few years had been a little rough. Things just weren’t going my way in the show pen. I’ve learned a lot through this and am very thankful for all the people who have supported us and the great horses I have had the opportunity to show.”

Jordan grew up in Cottonwood, California, where his father shod horses and his mother exhibited halter horses. At only three years old, he was riding and dreaming of being a horse trainer.

Since then, he has continued to build on this dream, leading him to many major event finals, competing on World Equestrian Games teams, and NRHA Futurity and Derby Championships.

“My wife is my biggest supporter, and I could not have done it without her!” said Larson. “I’m so thankful God has blessed me with the opportunity to do what I love for a living and share it with my family.”

Larson is one of 17 competitors vying for a top spot in The Run for a Million (TRFAM). He qualified last year through the $100,000 Open Shoot Out at TRFAM, earning sixth on I Shine At Nite. If you can’t make it to Las Vegas to cheer on competitors in person, you can access a live feed online for the first time in the event’s history. Be sure to only use the link on, as this is the only official live stream. 

Sires Cross Additional Million Dollar Milestones during the 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel

As champions were crowned at the 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel, two sires also reached a new milestone, with their offspring demonstrating extraordinary talent – continuing their legacies among NRHA’s leading sires.

Gunner – NRHA $14 Million Sire

As Down Right Amazing earned yet another major title as the 6666 NRHA Derby Level 4 Open Champion, the stallion also pushed Gunner over the $14 million milestone. This not only solidifies him as NRHA’s leading sire but also makes him the only sire with more than $12 million in offspring earnings.

In addition to siring the open champion, there were two offspring of Gunner in the non pro finals, earning a total of $102,494. The versatility of Gunner’s offspring and their constant success in the show pen continues the legacy of this Hall of Fame stallion.

“Gunner was a special individual who had a unique way of using his shoulders. He was able to pass that onto so many of his offspring, and I believe that is what has made them exceptional individuals,” said NRHA Three Million Dollar Rider Casey Deary. “Congratulations on a milestone well deserved!”

The son of Colonelfourfreckle, out of Katie Gun, has $173,000 in NRHA lifetime earnings, but that was only the beginning of the mark he would leave on the reining industry.

Beyond his show ring success, Gunner’s legacy also includes the genuine affection and admiration he garnered from people within the reining industry. While owned by Pam and Paul Rohus, he was immortalized as a Breyer Horse special edition model while also earning a world championship, an APHA World Show Reining Futurity Open Championship, and became an NRHA Futurity Open reserve champion under Clint Haverty.

Gunner was later owned by Debra and Kim Sloan. During their ownership, Gunner continued to add to his list of accomplishments. He earned an APHA Junior Reining world title, a National Reining Breeders Classic Co-Reserve Championship in the National Reining Breeders Classic, and the United States Equestrian Team Open Reining Championship with the late Bryant Pace in the saddle in 2001.

Two years after being inducted into the NRHA Hall of Fame, the Sloans sold Gunner to Tim and Colleen McQuay, where he lived out the rest of his days in Tioga, Texas.

Although the stallion passed away in 2013, his legacy continues to live on as limited breedings still occur through ICSI.

Gunner’s Top Earning Offspring with 983 competing:

Down Right Amazing (Shesouttayourleague) – DAG Ventures LLC, owner; Curtis Performance Horses LLC, breeder: $532,584.29

All Bettss Are Off (Wimpys Little Chic) – Rancho Oso Rio LLC, owner; Arcese Quarter Horses USA breeder: $393,924.19

Tinker With Guns (Tinker Nic) – Silver Spurs Equine owner, Rancho Oso Rio LLC breeder: $344,117.65

Gunners Tinseltown (Miss Tinseltown) – David Silva, Sr owner/breeder – $305,307.49

Americasnextgunmodel (Cee Dun It Do It) – Arcese Quarter Horses USA, David Silva Sr., breeder: $289,486.18

No Smoking Required (Icing Required) – Schmersal/ThorSport Inc., Carluccio Orsi breeder: $252,058.43

Gunners Special Nite: NRHA $6 Million Dollar Sire

Fourteen finalists sired by Gunners Special Nite entered the Jim Norick Arena during the Non Pro and Open Finals of the 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel. These offspring earned $75,798, catapulting the stallion to being an NRHA Six Million Dollar Sire.

By NRHA $14 Million Sire Gunner and out of Mifs Doll, the stallion earned $219,000 in the show pen with NRHA Professional Marcy Starr and NRHA Two Million Dollar Rider and Million Dollar Owner Tom McCutcheon. The remarkable athlete was bred by Kim and Debra Sloan and raised by Tim and Colleen McQuay. In 2010, the stallion was purchased by the current owner, Turnabout Farm Inc.

Gunners Special Nite’s achievements include an NRHA Futurity Open Reserve Championship and top finishes at other major events. In 2010, McCutcheon piloted the 2004 stallion to Individual and Team gold medals for Team USA at the 2010 FEI World Equestrian Games.

Gunner Special Nite’s Top Earning Offspring with 515 competing:

Modern Gun (Taris Modern Design) – Ms Stables, owner; Turnabout Farm Inc., breeder: $362,126.05

Guns And Dynamite (Chic Olena Starbuck) – Tim & MaryBeth Ruckman, owner; Turnabout Farm Inc., breeder: $294,621.88

Baileys Not Painted (Darlins Not Painted) – Kristen Cantacuzene, owner; Turnabout Farm Inc., breeder: $143,233.62

Lenas Shining Gun (SL Lenas Chick) – Jackie Redish, owner; Roxanne Koepsell, breeder: $133,365.32

Into The Nite (Chexy Dun It) Heidi Battier, owner; Turnabout Farm Inc., breeder: $104,432.21

Special Made Whiskey (Starlight Acres) – Gordon Robinson, owner; John Stiver, breeder: $101,372.14

Grischa Ludwig is NRHA’s Newest Million Dollar Rider

On Friday, May 26, Grischa Ludwig walked to the center of the arena to receive his awards at the 2023 NRHA European Futurity. Not only did he earn the NRHA Open class championship and American Paint Horse Association Chrome Cash, but these checks also pushed him past the threshold to become NRHA’s newest Million Dollar Rider.

photo by International Horse Press

“[The realization of the accomplishment] didn’t do anything to me when I came out of the arena,” he said. “I wasn’t yelling ‘Hooray!’ I thought, ‘cool.’ But when I went in for the awards, and they announced me as the newest NRHA Million Dollar Rider, emotion overwhelmed me!”

Born in Stuttgart, Germany, Ludwig grew up around horses his whole life as his father ran an equine therapy program at a facility for those with mental and physical disabilities. Their family lived with the 2,000 people and their Quarter Horse Program at the facility.

“It took a while [to reach this milestone],” said Ludwig. “You can do it faster for sure, but it was never my highest goal to be an NRHA Million Dollar Rider. I always saw myself as a horseman and a horse trainer. But the closer I got, the more I wanted it. Last year I got close, and people were talking so much, and I really wanted to have it.”

His wins on this momentous day were on Spooks Genius (Spooks Gotta Whiz x A Spark Of Genius) owned by Margot Van Doorne. This pair is no stranger to the winner’s circle as they were the 2022 Open European Affiliate Champions and have placed in multiple aged event finals throughout Europe.

To make the timing of the milestone even more meaningful, the European Futurity was only his second horse show since the passing of his father.

“My father shaped me to the way that I am,” he said. “He was the best daddy I could have. He was as proud as someone could be when I won, and he was also proud if I was second, and he would tell me there was still one place to be better.”

Read more about Ludwig and this accomplishment in the September issue of the NRHA Reiner Magazine.

Gunnatrashya Reaches $9 Million Dollar Sire Milestone

The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) honors a new member of the elite NRHA $9 Million Dollar Sire list, Gunnatrashya. After reaching the $7 Million milestone 14 months ago, this stallion’s offspring continue to propel him to new achievements rapidly, securing his place in history books.

Bred by Katarina Dorminy, Gunnatrashya is by NRHA Hall of Fame Inductee and $13 Million Dollar Sire Gunner and out of Natrasha. Along with his success in the breeding barn, the stallion started his career with impressive wins, including the 2009 NRHA Open Futurity Championship, 2009 All American Quarter Horse Congress Open Futurity Championship, and 2010 NRHA Open Derby Championship, with NRHA Hall of Famer Shawn Flarida. These wins pushed his NRHA lifetime earnings to over $218,000.

The stallion became an NRHA Million Dollar Sire in 2017, less than three years after his first group of foals set foot in the show pen, and has already produced several NRHA Futurity and NRHA Derby Champions. Gunnatrashya stands at NRHA Corporate Partner Oswood Stallion Station in Weatherford, Texas, for owner Arcese Quarter Horses.

Gunnatrashya sired the 2022, 2021, and 2019 NRHA Open Futurity Champions and the reserve champion in 2020. It is no surprise that Gunnatrashya was the recipient of the inaugural Peter Phinny Memorial Leading Futurity Sire Award in 2021 and earned it again in 2022. This pattern continued as he was also the leading sire at the 2022 6666 NRHA Derby presented by Markel.

Gunnatrashya continues to pass at least one milestone annually, creating global recognition and continuing to put his stamp on his offspring.

Gunnatrashya’s top performers are:

Gunna Stop (out of Stop Little Sister) $672,762

Andiamoe (out of Wimpys Little Chic) $389,083

Ten Thirty (out of Dainty Little Step) $369,059

Super Marioo (out of HA Chic A Tune) $336,562

ARC Gunnabeabigstar (out of Wimpys Little Chic) $298,999