Over the past several days of competition, the top 3-year-old reining horses and riders from across the country have vied for a spot in the finals of the National Reining Horse Association Futurity. With the conclusion of Monday’s preliminary round, most of the field is set for the CINCH Non Pro Futurity Finals, which will be held on Friday, December 2.

Topping the Level 4 of the CINCH Non Pro Futurity first round with a 221.5 is Jack Medows and Fire N Rein. The 3-year-old mare is sired by 2022 NRHA Hall of Fame inductee and NRHA Four Million Dollar Sire Spooks Gotta Whiz and out of Chicsdreamofdiamonds. Earlier this year, Medows and Fire N Rein, who is owned and was nominated by Amy Medows, won the L4 Non Pro Futurity Reserve Championship at the All American Quarter Horse Congress.
Medows and Fire N Rein also won the American Paint Horse Association’s Chrome Cash incentive, which was paid out in the preliminary round.
William Clutter and Smokinintheboyzroom (Magnum Chic Dream x Green Smokin Jacket) marked a 221, the second-high score of the round. It also topped Levels 3, 2, and 1. Owned by Jay Clutter, Smokinintheboyzroom was nominated by Alicia Rapp.
Marking the high score of the Non Pro Prime Time was Steven Mitchell and Wimpys Voodoo Dr with a 220.5 (includes handicap). The pair also qualified for the CINCH Non Pro Finals in Levels 2, 3, and 4. Wimpys Voodoo Dr, by Two Million Dollar Sire Shiners Voodoo Dr and out of Wimpy Cee Wimpy Do, was nominated by Hannah Layman.
Topping the Youth and tying for sixth in the Level 4 was Samuel Flarida and PS Whiz On Ice with a 218. P Whiz On Ice, by Million Dollar Sire SG Frozen Enterprize and out of PS A Whizzen Chic, is owned by Flarida’s father, Shawn, and was nominated by Patsy Shelton Schutz.
To secure a spot in the CINCH Level 4 Non Pro Futurity, it took a score of 214.5, while a 212 was the magic number for the Level 3. Riders with a 211 or higher earned a place in the Level 2, as did those in the Level 1 with a 207.5 or higher. The bubble for the Prime Time is a 211 (including handicap), while the one for the Youth is 200.
For those not advancing directly to the finals from the first go, hope is still alive. That’s because of the CINCH Non Pro Futurity Consolation Round on Wednesday morning. The next 30 horses (plus ties) in the Level 4, next 12 in the Level 3, and next 10 in Levels 1 and 2, will compete for a spot in the finals. The top five in each of the four Levels will earn a spot in Friday’s finals.