Following discussions between American Quarter Horse Association Director of Competition Scott Neuman, National Reining Horse Association Commissioner Gary Carpenter, and NRHA Show Manager Cheryl Cody, an agreement has been reached regarding event dates. This pact will benefit the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show and the NRHA Futurity, both held at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City.
The two organizations tackled a problem together and, beginning in 2023, tremendous changes will be made. The World Show will finish up with its reining world championships on Thursday, November 16, and the NRHA Futurity move-in will begin on Friday, November 17.

For NRHA, enhanced growth for the massive futurity show had created scheduling difficulties, and for AQHA, increasing participation in the reining classes was a goal.
“We value our long-time relationship with NRHA, and leasing two days over to them during the Farnam AQHA World Championship Show made sense for both associations and our exhibitors,” said Karl Stressman, AQHA chief executive officer. “We are proud to support growth in the equine industry and opportunities for American Quarter Horse owners, especially, to exhibit their American Quarter Horses. In turn, we are optimizing our own Farnam World Show schedule and are excited about the improvements we are making to our pinnacle event.”
The alliance creates sponsorship support for the AQHA World Championship Show from NRHA and will enhance the added money in AQHA World Show reining classes. It is hoped that this will begin a growth in participation.
Carpenter lauded AQHA leadership for the decision. “The long line of AQHA/NRHA partnerships began with our founding. This is a continuation of that rich history, which will benefit the members of both organizations,” Carpenter said. “As we both become more creative and flexible, I see a brighter and brighter future of cooperation.”
Horses will move in for the Futurity early Sunday morning, November 19, and NRHA Futurity competition will begin on Tuesday, November 21. The two additional days that will be added to the event will give relief to a schedule that has been bursting at the seams.
“We appreciate AQHA’s willingness to work together on this, and we are very excited to offer NRHA members an improved schedule with extra days of competition,” Cody said.
Further details will be forthcoming, but the new schedule is expected to have a positive impact on both events.